Saturday, December 02, 2006

Brigitte Helm - Third of three postings

From another Obit. See first and second Brigette posting for bio.

Though her fame rests almost entirely with one film, and her name is hardly a familiar one even to many avid moviegoers, images of Brigitte Helm are among the most haunting and famous of any in the first century of film history. Even those who have never seen Metropolis are familiar with the pale lovely face as it is seen imprisoned in a glass coffin, eyes closed, like some science-fiction Snow White, or Brunnhilde in a silver helmet, or virgin saint. Or perhaps they recall the nearly nude shimmy dancer rising from an Art Deco clamshell bed, a robot turned Babylonian love goddess.

Brigitte Helm - What do you think? Allure?


Anonymous said...

Ever since I have seen Brigette in Metropolis I have become mesmerized by her unique face. Thanks for posting her pictures.

Operator_99 said...

Well, you and me both. That was the beginning of my postcard collection - all the cards from Metropolis, twelve in all and then Brigette (about 70 of her in my collection). I may do another posting of her at a future date, so check back. Also there is a 1927 blog-a-thon scheduled for sometime in March and I will be posting the Metropolis cards for that event.